Formosa Transportation Co. Ltd.

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Dear Sirs,

we are italian forwarder from Leghorn, we need to ship containers 20 ,40 BOX E HIGH CUBE, from the following Chinese ports:

Dalian, Fuzhou, Nigbo, Kingdao, Xiamen, Shekou, Shangai e Whuzou.

We will need to know the costs of boarding and other possible local costs by embarking with the following shipping companies:

Evergreen and Yang Ming

Our customer buys fob chinese port for this we kindly ask all the costs necessary on site for filling and eventual handling etc.

If you are interested in this collaboration, we kindly ask you for the costs for customs import operations.

kind of goods:

garden equipment

garden forniture

It is a continuous traffic that will have to start in May

We remain available for any information

Best regards

Dott.ssa Stefania Laporta

Csi Group S.r.l.s
Via San Francesco 25
57123 Livorno

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