Lutheran Shipping
Recent comments
- Enquiry 1 month 3 weeks ago
- Required 20ft delivery order lolo charges and container deposit 2 months 21 hours ago
- Oiler 2 months 1 day ago
- B/l status 2 months 2 weeks ago
- Used and New Build Shipping Containers Requirements 2 months 2 weeks ago
- Release Office 2 months 2 weeks ago
- Tracing manufaturer of warehouse cranes installed at Fabicon 2 months 3 weeks ago
- Arrival status of BL 2 months 3 weeks ago
- Business co-operation 6 months 1 day ago
Price List between Madang and Wewak
Please attach alert should there be travel between Mandang and Wewak
Please advise on the shipping
Please advise on the shipping schedules from Madang and Wewak and per the passenger fee.
Shipping schedule for Madang and wewak
Please advise schedule for Madang Wewak Madang and prices per passenger.
December 2022 shiping schedule from Madang to Wewak and the pri
Please could you please send mi the schedual and price for per person and the school children between 14 years of age.
travel Madang to Wewak in November 2022
travel Madang to Wewak November 2022
Please can you send me a schedule and price for ship ticket for wewak to Madang.
Price list Wewak to Madang
Urgently need that
Hello, kindly update me the schedule MAD-WWK FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 2023.
Travel Schedules and Prices
Kindly send me the travel schedules and travel fares for the month of April 2023
Schedule for july shift
Please let me know the schedule from Madang to week,plus the fees regarding children age 3 to 10 and plus the adults also.
Ticketing Process in Wewak
Please let me know of your ticketing purchase process. Do I deposit in bank and come with a deposit butt to purchase ticket? Is Cash transaction accepted at your ticketing counter? Let me know..
lutheran shipping run madang to wwk
please anyone can give me a price
Lutheran Shipping Schedules 2023
Requesting Shipping Schedule for Alotau to Madang from September to December in 2023.
Schedule for Lae to Kimbe November and December 2023
Please provide schedule for Nov & Dec 2023 for ships travel between Lae and Kimbe
Schedule for Lae to Kimbe November and December 2023
Please provide schedule for Nov & Dec 2023 for ships travel between Lae and Kimbe
Requesting for price list for November between Wewak and Madang
Please could you send me the price list for the month of November between Wewak and Madang
Seeking updates for shipping schedule and fares
Please could you please update me on the shipping schedule and fares for Madang to Wewak.
I would be travelling on December 2023 so I would like you to notify me about the changes.
Ship price from Wewak to Madang
Plesase may i know the price for adult and child at 3 years of age from wewak to Madang..and also the dates of travelling 7, 8 or 9 November..
booking ship ticket from madang to wewak next week
please could you help me book a ticket from madang to wewak next week
Ticket Price for adults...Mad - Wwk
Please assist to provide above mentioned ASAP
Quote - Household goods
Appreciate any information you can provide for moving of household goods from Lae to Alotau.
It will require a space capacity of 5m2 with expected date on 17 January 2024,
Ticket fare for children aged one
Please, advice me the ticket fare for children aged one for Madang to Wewak. Thanks,
Price List Wewak to Madang
Urgently need a Price List
Shiping schadule
Kindly update me on the latest shipping schadule for the month on april.
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