THH Denizcilik Tic Ltd Sti

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It is my pleasure in writing to introduce you to one of the best “WILLMAR SHIPPING SOLUTION '' based in India & Turkey . Duly Licensed by the Shipping Ministry of the Govt. Of India For Recruitment & placement of crew on foreign going vessels.IR CLASS CERTIFIED, ISO 9001:2015.

We are working with "Albiena Shipping" from Turkey, ,Dizman Denizcilik & Turkish & Vietnamese other Owners, We are crew agents from India. We are here to supply experienced officers, ratings & cadets for any types of vessels in any continent.
We have large numbers of seafarers ,they are ready to join anywhere in the World .

We are interested in dealing with your good company, we need your cooperation regarding the requirement of Indian and Turkish crew, The focus is on cost control by a qualified crew which fulfills their assignment on-board your good vessel.

We are looking forward to doing business with your good company and therein giving a boost to our management services.

I am sending my company's profile attached with this letter. Please have a look at it,
We always want to make strong and long term relationships with our clients. so feel free and do not hesitate to contact us for any queries of any types.

Willmar Shipping Solutions L.L.P.
Contact no:+91 8433733263
Telephone no:+912249602167

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