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Request For Appointment As Surveyor
Dear Sir/Madam,
Understand that your good vessel MV. BOBCAT calling to Chittagong Port time to time and we take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as one of the leading Marine & Cargo Survey & Inspection Company for Chittagong & Mongla Port. We have strong professional team in our management who are highly experienced in this field. For better reference please find hereunder a brief overview of our company and its range of activities:
# Audit Survey
# Port Captain Service & Pilotage
# Bunker Survey
# Off / On hire Bunker & Condition Survey
# Damage, Draft & Ullage Survey
# Tally Survey & Continuous Monitoring
# Per-purchase Survey
# Post Landing
# Vegetable Oil Survey
# Petroleum & Crude Oil Survey
We assure you that the services mentioned above are provided professionally with quality stuffs & competitive prices.
FYI, our job is approved & certified by classification authorities including Bangladesh Government. Thus we request you to provide us a chance with to prove our efficiency.
We look forward to serving yours.
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! We are a Ukrainian crewing agency LLC Santa Lucia - one of the crewing agencies located in the south of Ukraine - in the city of Kherson - a city full of educated, experienced and responsible sailors.The company was founded in 2018 and is licensed by the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine. It was created to provide professional and competent crewing services to our partners to their full satisfaction. We provide a careful selection, we conduct interviews of varying complexity and train each seafarer according to a special program.Crewing company "Santa Lucia" informs that we are ready for fruitful cooperation, staff recruitment according to your requirements. We supply all types of merchant and offshore vessels: bulk carriers, containers, tankers and Jack up barges, offshore support vessels, AHT / AHTS, DSV, PSV (DP1 / DP2). We have a material base for this.In addition to the above.It is a great honor for me to present the Kherson State Maritime Academy with its bright and interesting history, an institution that is respected and recognized both in Ukraine and in the world. Since 2012 Kherson State Maritime Academy is in the list of best-known higher educational establishments of our country and each year is recognized the best among maritime educational establishments of Ukraine.We are also pleased to inform you that we are collaborating with Simulators and Training Centers (KMSTC). Simulators and simulators are built in accordance with the requirements of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the International Convention STCW 78/95 as amended by Manila. The facilities have been inspected by the Danish Maritime Authority and the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) Verification Inspection of the State's Seafarer Instructor Training Department. In January 2011, the educational institution confirmed the standards ISO 9001: 2009, ISO 9001: 2015, which were audited by the Ukrainian Shipping or Register. - Kherson State Maritime Academy - KMSTC Specialized Training Centre We expect a reply to hear from you in the near future.Best wishes from Ukraine.The team of Santa Lucia LLC
SANTA LUCI️A Maritime Crewing Agency ⚓️ 17 Bogoroditska, office 322, Kherson, Ukraine web-site: tel: +380-668-763-473; email: skype: santalucia.maritimecrewagency linkedin:
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