Holy House Shipping AB

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Good afternoon,

Looking for a job on any type of vessel, rank of second engineer.СOC 2-eng. Of 3000 Kw propulsion power or more. Experience job on the main engine 2 and 4 strokes.Work experience at sea for 35 years. Worked with engines:MAK-6M601, MAN-B&W 7L 60MC, Wartsila Flex50-B , Wartsila12V32, Mitsubishi 8UEC45LA.Experience working on reefers vessels 10 years
Best regards,
e-mail: glorija59@mail.ru
tel: +37067492114

+79210314955 gayzler@mail.ru

Good morning;
I am pleased to be working with a reputable company that is looking to hire second mates to join your fleet. Besides, I’m a holder of unlimited chief mate’s ticket including the package of seagoing docs, meeting the Manila Amendments, versed in vetting procedures, vast experience in sailing icy condition and a very prudent and experienced navigator, vaccinated against Covid-19 with “Sputnik-V”.
Despite my D.O.B., far beyond what you're expecting, nevertheless I would like to dispel it completely as I possess good written and oral communication skills, ability to cooperate with colleagues, as well as without recent medical problems or illness, as I'm keen on sports all my life.

Yours Faithfully,
Buzdalin Viatcheslav
St. Petersburg, Russia

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