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We Can Offer and Sale Marine items Repair, Maintenance and Sale
To. Subject Attend - PurchaseDepartment, (DATE - 26/02/2020)Dear Respected Sir or Madam.Good Day.SUB :- M/S. Marinex Marine Services. is Established in07/11/2003, is Well known as a Supplier ofall Kinds of Ships Equipment.We Serve USED Ship's spare parts to our customers worldwide.(1) OEM & 2nd hand spare parts supply forall ship equipment. (2) WORLDWIDE OCEAN &AIR FREIGHT SHIPMENT DELIVERY. (3) BEST PRICE &SOONEST SHIPMENT GUARANTEED. I thought you might be interested inPURCHASING some of our SHIP’S Main’ Engine and Auxiliary Engine Generators ( 2 Two Stroke AND 4- Stroke) LIST given below.** We are Exporter / Suppliers/ Trader / Stocker and Repairers to the Merchant Fleet, M/S. Marinex Marine Services. Sell Dealing for -
- Ship Main and Generator Engine parts. - Ship Navigation parts.- Ship Automation parts.- Ship purifier / separator.- Ship Compressor. - Ship communication parts.- Ship Electric parts.- Copper scrap .- Aluminum scrap.- Brass scrap. - We supply all types of ship parts any INDIAN Sea port.
- We do service . repair work in INDIAN sea port- We supply PROVISION and BOND STORAGE any INDIAN Sea port.
We are selling Genuine Ship Maintenance Requirement For SpareParts and Engine Room all Machinery. We will provide the best price, as well as timely response, makesure that both we will benefit from it.We Request You To Note our Name and Address and Favour Us WithYour Regular Inquiry Of Ship Machinery Requirements Of any Other Items.We are Dealing and Sale for Ship Machinery Spares.M/S. Marinex Marine Services. is Established in07/11/2003 and We are an International Trading Company in India For SpecializeIn The Provides All Merchant Navy Fleets Or Industrial Machinery and MarineEquipment Merchant.All In Replacement any Reconditioning Marine Machinery Spare PartsWe Can Supply In All Ports Of Worldwide and We Can Supply Original And GenuinePart At Very Competitive Price.We are Exporter / Suppliers/ Trader / Stocker and Repairers to the Merchant Fleet and offshore Work andSpecialized in all Marine Ship’s Machinery. New and Used Working, GoodCondition and Re - Useable Marine Machineries Spares and Equipment’s allSourced from Complete Engine Machinery and Spares parts are Procured FromPurchase Alang is the World’s Largest Ship Recycling Industries AssociationIndia is an Organisation for Ship Recycling in Alang Shipyard &Sosiya, Bhavnagar, Gujarat. Ship’s Demolition, Scraped Vessels, Ship’s BreakingMarket Yard.We Have Available These allPurchase Machinery By Alang is the World’s Largest Ship’s Recycling IndustriesAssociation in an India and We are Fully Committed To Provide the Best Qualityand Genuine Makers (Original) Machinery Supply to You Our Customers and AllMarine Vessels Items and Others any For Your Ship’s Requirement So We Can SolveYour Every Option and Opinion in Your inquiry By any Problem to Known Us and WeWill Try to Correct Suggestion Given any Major and Minor the Matter and OurEffective Cost Offer and We are Provided in Our Services Time 24 Hours a Dayand 7 Days a Week and We Can Help For To The Supported To Day & Night OurServices.Our Fully Integrated ForShip’s Maintenance and Overhauling, Repairing Engine Machinery and Trading,Ship Management of Supplying MachineryServices, From Shipping Company, Ship Chandler and Chartering to TechnicalManagement, Manning and Operation of Ship Overhaul and Maintenance PlanningAssistance.Marine Equipment Or Engine Parts Is Very Costly, But We Can ProvideOffers From A Number Of Different Sources in our Good Customers.This Service Gives Ship’s Owners And Managers The Opportunity To Select Major Parts According toSeveral Criteria, Availability, Location, Price, Class, Etc.We Can Do Meet any Emergency Demand For Product At Competitive PriceSo Please Contact us For Your Inquiries Request And We Are Pleased To beit's worth in Our Customers.We Would Be Very Happy Pleased To Do Effective Business With YourGood Company and We All Need Healthy Good Relationships At Working.We All in Try Maintaining Good Work Relationships Is The Key To APositive Workplace. We are Effective in Business.We Can do also Supply or Provide as Best Services in Worldwideour Customer for Merchant Shipping industry, Owner Management and Manager,Master for international Shipping Companies in the World.Supply To SHIP’S All Marine items Machinery and Industrial PowerDiesel Engines & Power Plant Generators, and Others any for Your VesselRequirement So We Can Solve All Problem Solutions Email – marinexmarine10@gmail.comWe Will Provide The Lowest Prices and Best Quality,So Please Contact to us and Do Not Shame for the anything Hesitationfor your Inquiries of Ship Machinery. Email - and marinexmarine10@gmail.comGlobal Ocean Transport and Trading Line For International ShippingIndustries. Types Of Ships :-All General Equipment and Arrangement For Ship Engine Room Machinery Minor andMajor Spares Parts in Available.Below Ship’s The List Of Type, We Can All Vessels Related AnyEquipment’s For Machinery Spares Part Supply For Any Your Requirement Inquiry.Bulk Carrier / Gas Carrier / Refrigerated Cargo Carrier / Tanker /Passenger Ship / Reefer Ship/ Ro-Ro Cargo Ship / Ro-Ro Passenger Ship / Cargo Ship / Container ship / RolI-on/RolI-off ship / Multi-Purpose ship / Car & Passenger Ferry / Car Ferry Carrying Passenger / Chemical Tanker / Product Tanker / Oil Tanker / Custom High Speed Picker Boat / Wooden launch / Small ship / Wooden tug / Small steel ship / Custom High Speed Picker Boat / Hydrofoil Craft / Hover Craft / Ice Breaker / Escort Vessel / Catcher Boat / Fishing Vessel / Fishing Boat / Catamaran Type Passenger andAuto - Car Carrier / Anchor Handling Tug Supplier.We Can Provide Our Services in Shipyards (Maintenance / Repairs/ Overhauling / Overhaul Reconditioning) For All yourMaintenance Requirement For the Engine Room on the Ship’s. We carry an extensive stock of the following brands: Weoffer Replacement Parts for Various All Engine License Manufacturers, forExample:- SHIP’S Main’ Engine and Auxiliary Engine Generators ( 2 - Two Stroke AND4 - Stroke) Marine Diesel Engine andIndustrial Fuel (HFO) Engine Power Plants Suppliers. We Have in SupplyOriginal and Genuine Complete and Spare Parts for Available. Makers - Akasaka / Alean / Man-B&W / B&W /Bergen / Daihatsu / Duetz / Doxford / Fiat / Hanshin / Man / Mak / Matsui /Mitsubishi / Makita / MWM / Niigata / Pielstick / Ruston / Sulzer / Skl / Stork/ Skoda / Wartsila / Yanmar / Major Spare Parts - ( New / Used and Good Workingand Recondition all Ship any items Requirement So We Can you Supply.Kawasaki / Hitachi / STX / IHI/ Akasaka / Kobe / Cegielski / Cockeriil / Horten / Sumitomo / Schelde /Ishibras / Espanoles / HSD / Bryansk / Dalian / Hudong / Mitsui / Hyundai /Bremer Vulkan / Diesel United / Fincantieri / Korea HI.We are Glade to inform you that we have MainEngine Spares available for sale. Its details are asfollows.RTA 38,RTA 48T and 48TB, RTA 58, RTA 62, RTA 76, RTA 84, RTA 94C. L 35 MC, S 35 MC, L42 MC, L 50 MC, S 50MC, S 50 MC-C, L 60 MC, S 60 MC, S 60 MC-C, L 70 MC, S 70MC, S 70 MC-C L 80 MC, S 80 MC, S 80 MC-C, K 90 MC, K 90 MC-C, K 98 MC, K 98MC-C RD 68 RD 78 RND 56 RND 68 RND 76 RND 68M RND 78M RL 66 RL 90. Main Engine B&W· S35MC/MCE/MCC· S50MC/MCE/MCC· S60MC/MCE/MCC· S70MC/MCE/MCC· L35MC/MCE/MCC· L50MC/MCE/MCC· L60 MC/MCE/MCC· L70MC/MCE/MCC· L67GFCAMain Engine Mitsubishi · UEC 37 LA /HA UEC 45 LA/LS· UEC50 LA/LS· UEC52 LA/LS· UEC60 LA/LS Main Engine Sulzer · RTA52· RTA52 U· RTA58· RTA62· RTA62 U· RTA72 Other Spares also available.Also if you have any other requirements than do not hesitate towrite to us any time.Description - Marine ShipEngine 2- Stroke and 4- Stroke Engine Spares Parts = New / Reconditioned / Used Working Good Condition For Sale.Cylinder BlockFrame / Cylinder Bed Plate / EngineCrankshaft / Engine Camshaft / CylinderCover / Cylinder Liner / Piston Crown / Piston Skirts / Piston Rings/ Connecting Rod / Fuel Oil Pump / Nozzles / Valve Spindle / IndicatorValves / Valve Seat / Stuffing Box / High Pressure Pipes/ Assembly &Measure Tool / Cylinder Cover and Liner Water Guide Jacket / Gaskets & Seals.Ship’s- Main Engine / Auxiliary Generator Engine / Emergency Engine / ShaftGenerators / Alternators / Main& Auxiliary Engines Crankshafts / SpeedGovernors - Diesel Eng Main & Aux generators andConnecting Rods - bearings / Top-end bearings / Thrust bearings /Crossheads and Crossheads Bearings Sale / Automation Slow Speed Medium and HighSpeed Engines Crankcase - Oil Mist DetectionSystem - Type"GRAVINER OMD / SteeringGear (Engines) Mainand AuxiliaryMachineryReverse – Reduction Gear / Turbocharger /Gas Air Inlet Casing / Outlet Casing / Compressor Central Casing / Impeller /Rotor Assembly / Nozzle Ring / Bearing / Turbine Blades / Oil Pump / SpareParts / Filtering Equipment - OilyWater – Separating / Oil Fuel andLubricating Oil Separators / Starting AirCompressors & Refrigeration Compressors, FreshWater Generators / SeaWater Pumps / Oil Pumps ( PumpsTypes - Centrifugal / Vertical / Horizontal )Circulating Pumps Of Condensers Main / Lubricating Oil Pumps Of Main Enginesand Turbines / Screw Pumps / Boiler Feed Water Pumps / Fuel OilTransfer Pumps / Cargo Pumps / Ballast Pumps / Fire Pumps/ Bilge Pumps / Motors and Pumps ofHydraulic Systems / Deck Equipment,Cranes / Bow Thrusters / TankerEquipment / Inert-Gas System / Windlassand Anchor Capstans/ Anchor Chain, LifeBoats With Davit / Life Rafts / SewageTreatment Plants / Incinerators /Turbines / Bolts and Studs ofEngines Parts / Power Transformers /Panels Boards Circuit Breaker Switches. Ship’s all Machines ElectricMotors / Heat Exchangers /and All Navigation Equipment’s ETC.We Can Offer MarineVessels Engine Room Total Solutions of Major Spare Parts Original Makers ForManufacturers ( New / Recondition / UsedGood Working Condition ) Tested and Complete Units As AllBrands / Models and Makers Tested in Our Stocks Available and We Can Supply ToGood Price. PRICEPlease feel free to contact us if you need to know thePRICE for any of your Required equipment on forecastle deck of ship or anyOther Engine Spares Parts Prices. We hope we will get your charming inquiry for all kinds of USEDbut Good Condition Ship's Spare Parts. We are looking forward to doing a longtime business with mutualcooperation. We Hope to Awaiting your valued reply soon.Thanks & Best. Regards.Yours faithfully. Mr. Dilip.Mob No - +91 9016763115 (Whats App No +91 9724235487 ) +91 9427336881 Tel - + 91 278 2939386 Fax + 91 278 2939386. M/S. MARINEX MARINESERVICES.MARINEEQUIPMENTS and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Merchant / Suppliers/Exporter / Stockiest / Trader / Repairs / SHIP’S Engine Room Maintenance AllMachinery Diesel Engines - 2 Stroke / 4 Stroke / New / Re - Used GoodWorking Condition Complete And Spare Parts Available. Swastika Park 2/134 OPP Iscon ElevenBhavnagar 364002 Gujarat India..Email– / / /
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