John J Rigos Marine Enterprises SA

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Dear operations manager,
It is my pleasure to introduce ourselves as an Independent Professional Accredited Marine & Cargo Surveyors and Consultants delivering a wide range of Marine and Cargo Survey services ALL OVER MOROCCO to numerous customers especially Shipowners, Charterers, Operators, Shippers, Receivers, Insurers, Brokers, P&I Clubs and Agents.
We could provide you the following services, to mention a few:
- Preloading/loading container inspection, sealing/unsealing
- Preloading / Post Loading: Condition and Securing of cargo
- Supervising of Loading/Discharging Operations
- Draft Survey: Initial, Intermediate and Final
- Ullaging, Sampling and tallying
- 221B Bunker Detective Survey
- On/Off Hire Bunker and/or Condition Surveys
- Pre-Purchase Condition Surveys
- Hull & Machinery Damage Condition Surveys
- Hatch covers and safety doors tightness test (Ultrasonic)
- Cargo Damage and Loss Issue Investigation/Assessment
- Sealing / Unsealing Hatches, Tanks, Stores ...
- Hold / Tank Cleaning / Condition Survey
- Heavy lift and cargo project
- ... etc

I look forward to a lasting business relationship based on mutual co-operation and benefits. Rest assured of my best services at all times.

Best regards.

Capt. Abderrahim AGDICHE
Operations manager

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