Preussag Noell-China Merchants Mechanical Engineering Co Ltd

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Dear sir/madam,
My name is Judiharto Mandala from PT. Kharisma Zamrud Khatulistiwa, In Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia.
Our customers need "Twistlock Head Block 50/23, 47/5 + 1AC" Contract No. : 1012, Year of Contruction : 2000 for RTGC PNCM. We need 4 pieces. What is the price per piece, how long are the goods available and shipping costs from China to Jakarta?. Thanks.

Best regards,
PT. Kharisma Zamrud Khatulistiwa
Judiharto Mandala
Office : Jl. Niaga VIII Blok D35 Rt. 04 Rw. 08, Tangerang 15157, Banten, Indonesia.
Email : / /
Phone : +6221 27562016 / +62818186010 / +6287885240456 (WA)

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