Fairmont Shipping (Canada) Ltd

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Hello. My rank 1st/assist. engineer. I worked in your company in 2013 on ro-ro ( City of st.Petersburg ). Due to the difficult political situation between Ukraine and Crimea in 2014 from proposed you for further cooperation had to be abandoned as much regret. Since you currently looking for a vacancy for the position of 1st/assist. engineer on ro-ro I would like to return to the company and to continue to work productively,if possible. From your last contract I have positive reviews. Have Ukranian biometric travel passport. tel : +7 978 702 13 75

Now we have a shippment importing from Canada ,please quote the Ocean freight from Canada Door to HK port

The information as below :
Add :10 highbury Ave.St
Thomas,ON canada N5P 4c7

Product :5043-1746 Aluminum Casting-A-Line Shelf For Extermal Valve
weight : 3726 lbs.
Size: 48 x 48 x 48in /skid ,total 2 skids
Thanks & Best Regards
Ruky Li(Manager)
Address:1023room wantong building sungang east road luohu area shenzhen China
Tel:0086-0755-82124402 82124181
Email:szliuwu@163.com ,ruky@xjtlogistics.com

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