HighBen Transport Services
Transport services bulawayo, transport services harare, refrigerated deliveries, hgv, deliveries in zimbabwe, deliveries services bulawayo to harare, trucking servicesю
Information by U Madume.
Classic Cargo Logistics
Classic Cargo Logistics is a Customs Clearing, Freight Forwarding and Shipping Company based at the Harare International Airport, Zimbabwe. We specialise in the customs clearing and freight forwarding of imports/exports of cargo including personal items, unaccompanied luggage, commercial cargo, vehicles and dangerous goods to/from Zimbabwe. We also export sculptures to various destinations of the world (Stone, Wooden or Metal Sculptures).
SkyNet Worldwide Express Zimbabwe
Offers import and export courier service into and out of Zimbabwe to and from any part of the word.
Tivis Resources
Tivis Resources is a transport company that moves cargo of any size to any destination. Our major clients are across countries and regions though we also move national cargo.
We also do import and export and we have valuable experience in commodity broking. Our staff are expert logisticians and have excellent negotiation skills.
Our clients praise us for our spot on service!!
Globalview Customs Clearing
Customs Clearing
Imports & Exports
Commercial Vehicle Guarantees
Removal In Transit
Removal In Bond
Freight & Forwarding
Frazier Shipping Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe Customs clearing, Freight Forwarding, Transport logistics and warehousing agents
Unifreight LTD
Specializing in carriage of equipment, machinery and abnormal loads.
Information by Jonathan Fennell.
Oasis Shipping Agents
Facilitation of import of vehicles from the UK AND Japan to Zimbabwe.
Innocent Hungwe.
Welcome to Maxman Freight Services Zimbabwe, experts in Customs Clearing,Freight Forwarders by Sea,Rail & Road Removal &Transit Bond.We are specialists in helping small independent dealers and large corporate associations to manage the cost of goods,be it one or thousand we have the capability to move all.
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