Shipping Books

Popularitysort descending Author & Title
1,070 Gerald R. Ledlow
Optimize Your Healthcare Supply Chain Performance: A Strategic Approach
1,070 Mark B. Watson
SEA LOGISTICS: Keeping the Navy Ready Aye Ready
1,070 Nancy Y. Moore
Enhancing Small-Business Opportunities in the DoD 2008 (Technical Report)
1,070 M. J. Carrillo
Development of Logistics Management Models for the Space Transportation System (Rand Corporation//Rand Report)
1,070 Inc. American Society of Transportation and Logistics
Evolution Status and Future of the Corporate Transportation Function
1,070 David W. Hosmer
Solutions Manual to Accompany Applied Logistic Regression (2nd Edition; Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
1,070 Edwin Bickford Hooper
Mobility, Support, Endurance: A Story of Naval Operational Logistics in the Vietnam War 1965 - 1968
1,070 Julius Hall Parmelee
Statistics of Freight Traffic: -1913
Financial Supply Chain, 1st Edition
1,070 G. N. Yannopoulos
Shipping Policies for an Open World Economy
1,070 Kirk D. Zylstra
Lean Distribution: Applying Lean Manufacturing to Distribution, Logistics, and Supply Chain
1,070 Dick Morreale
The How To Book of Logistics: Supply Chain Management Made Understandable
1,070 Peter N. Davies
Japanese Shipping and Shipbuilding in the Twentieth-Century: The Writings of Peter N. Davies
1,070 A. Ancarani
Eugene S. Schneller, Larry R. Smeltzer, Strategic Management of the Health Care Supply Chain, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA, 2006 (328 pp.). [A book review ... Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management]
1,070 Philip M. Parker
The 2007-2012 Outlook for Logistics in Japan
1,070 Rolf G. Poluha
Quintessenz des Supply Chain Managements: Was Sie wirklich ??ber Ihre Prozesse in Beschaffung, Fertigung, Lagerung und Logistik wissen m??ssen (Quintessenz-Reihe) (German Edition)
1,070 Donald F. Wood
International Logistics
1,070 Kent Masterson Brown
Retreat from Gettysburg: Lee, Logistics, and the Pennsylvania Campaign (Civil War America)
1,070 Robert O. Martichenko
Lean Six Sigma Logistics: Strategic Development to Operational Success
1,070 C. F. H. Van Rijn
Logistics: Where Ends Have to Meet : Proceedings of the Shell Conference on Logistics, Apeldoorn, the Netherlands, 2-3 November, 1988
1,070 Liu
Manufacturing And Supply Chain Management: The Art of War in Business
1,070 IDC
IPACS, Singapore: Embracing Partnership Approach to Penetrate the China Market (Industry Specific: Logistics)
1,070 James Harry Russell
Freight Wagons and Loads in Service on the Great Western Railway and British Rail, Western Region
1,070 Geoff Lunn
Medway Shipping
1,070 P. Wayt
International Supply Chain Management: Study Guide
1,070 Jack W. Plunkett
Plunkett's Transportation, Supply Chain & Logistics Industry Almanac 2006: The Only Comprehensive Guide to the Business of Transportation, Supply Chain, and Logistics
1,070 Joe Miemczyk
Green approaches to the integrated supply chain
1,070 Bruce G. Rich
Essentials of Logistics: Managing Resources in the 21st Century
1,070 Lynn E. Davis
Stretched Thin: Army Forces for Sustained Operations
1,070 Productivity Press
Lean Supply Chain: COLLECTED PRACTICES AND CASES (Insights on Implementation)
