Shipping Books

Popularitysort ascending Author & Title
1,142 Ren?
Oil and Coffee: Latin American Merchant Shipping from the Imperial Era to the 1950s (Contributions in Economics and Economic History)
1,142 Timothy M. Laseter
Internet Retail Operations: Integrating Theory and Practice for Managers (Supply Chain Integration Modeling, Optimization and Application)
1,142 David Syrett
Shipping and Military Power in the Seven Years War: The Sails of Victory (University of Exeter Press - Exeter Maritime Studies)
1,142 Kathleen E. McKone-Sweet
The ailing healthcare supply chain: a prescription for change.: An article from: Journal of Supply Chain Management
1,142 William Snow Harris
On the Nature of Thunderstorms; and on the Means of Protecting Buildings and Shipping against the Destructive Effects of Lightning
1,142 Chae An
Supply Chain Management on Demand: Strategies and Technologies, Applications
1,142 David Simchi-Levi
Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies, and Case Studies
1,142 Wisener
Principles Of Supply Chain Management
1,142 William B. Lee
Leading Effective Supply Chain Transformations: A Guide to Sustainable World-Class Capability and Results
1,142 Thomas M. Kane
Military Logistics and Strategic Performance (Cass Series--Strategy and History)
1,142 Bill Pronzini
Night Freight
1,142 Peter Bolstorff
Supply Chain Excellence: A Handbook for Dramatic Improvement Using the SCOR Model
1,142 RAND
POLSSS-Policy of Sea Shipping Safety: Executive Summary (Rand Mr Series)
1,142 Orient Academic Forum
Proceedings of 2006 International Conference on Management of Logistics and Supply Chain: September 20-22, 2006, Chang Sha - Sydney
1,142 LASTPhyper
Good to Green: Managing Business Risks and Opportunities in the Age of Environmental Awareness
1,142 E. F. Stevens
Shipping Practice
1,142 Books LLC
Military Bridges and Ferries: Bailey Bridge, Pontoon Bridge, Medium Girder Bridge, Mabey Logistic Support Bridge, M3 Amphibious Rig, Pts
1,142 Edwin Bickford Hooper
Mobility, Support, Endurance: A Story of Naval Operational Logistics in the Vietnam War 1965 - 1968
1,142 Graham Penn
Product Supply Chain Investments in Asia/Pacific (Excluding Japan)
1,142 Julius Hall Parmelee
Statistics of Freight Traffic: -1913
1,142 Philip M. Parker
The 2007-2012 Outlook for Logistics in India
1,142 T. A. Barnes
Logistics Support Training: Design and Development (Logistics Series)
1,142 Peter N. Davies
Henry Tyrer: A Liverpool shipping agent and his enterprise, 1879-1979
1,142 Julien Elizabeth Soul?
Telegraphy: Railroading, Express and Freight
1,142 Icon Group
The 2009-2014 World Outlook for Polyethylene Shipping Sacks
1,142 A. Ancarani
Eugene S. Schneller, Larry R. Smeltzer, Strategic Management of the Health Care Supply Chain, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA, 2006 (328 pp.). [A book review ... Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management]
1,142 Food and Agriculture Organization
Farm Equipment Supply Chains. Guidelines for Policy-makers and Service Providers: Experiences from Kenya, Pakistan and Brazil: Agricultural and Food Engineering ... and Food Engineering Technical Report)
1,142 D. Lowe
Storage and Distribution in Supply Chains: Study Guide
1,142 Donald J. Bowersox
Physical Distribution Management: Logistics Problems of the Firm
1,142 Samarthia Thankappan
Private Standards Driving the Agri-food Supply Chain: What Role Do Global Organisations Play? (Brass Working Paper Series)
