Shipping Books

Popularitysort ascending Author & Title
1,537 Ralph Ostertag
Supply-Chain-Koordination im Auslauf in der Automobilindustrie
1,537 Martin C. Libicki
Cyberdeterrence and Cyberwar
1,537 Icon Group International
The 2009 Report on Retail Logistics: World Market Segmentation by City
1,535 Robert Edwards Annin
Ocean Shipping: Elements of Practical Steamship Operation
1,533 Claus E. Heinrich
Adapt or Die: Transforming Your Supply Chain into an Adaptive Business Network
1,530 Mark Wang
Accelerated Logistics: Streamlining the Army's Supply Chain
1,529 Norman M. Sadeh
Advances in B2B e-Commerce and e-Supply Chain Management: A Special Double Issue of the Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce (Journal ... Computing & Electronic Commerce)
1,529 IBM Redbooks
Using Bpel Processes in Websphere Business Integration Server Foundation Business Process Integration And Supply Chain Solutions (IBM Redbooks)
1,528 Dina iG. Levy
Base Realignment and Closure
1,528 Edward M. DeRouin
North Shore Line: Interuban Freight (Midwestern Rail)
1,527 IDC
Adoption of Supply Chain and Operations Analytic Applications: 2004 Survey Results
1,527 Joseph R Carter
IKARUS Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd
1,526 Laura H. Baldwin
Contingency contracting: analyzing support to Air Force missions in Iraqi freedom.: An article from: Air Force Journal of Logistics
1,524 Keith Oliver
Beyond Utopia: The Realist's Guide to Internet-Enabled Supply Chain Management
1,523 Tony Nightingale
The Pacific Forum Line: A commitment to regional shipping
1,522 Ann F. Friedlaender
Freight Transport Regulation: Equity, Efficiency, and Competition in the Rail and Trucking Industries (Mit Press Series on the Regulation of Economic Activity)
1,520 Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development
Annual Report on the Oecd Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises 2002: Focus on Responsible Supply Chain Management (OECD Environmental Performance Reviews)
1,520 David M. Anderson
Build-to-Order & Mass Customization; The Ultimate Supply Chain Management and Lean Manufacturing Strategy for Low-Cost On-Demand Production without Forecasts or Inventory
1,518 Robert Button
A Preliminary Investigation of Ship Acquisition Options for Joint Foricle Entry Operations
1,517 Full Sail Real World Education
Logistics and Paperwork
1,517 Ronald G. McGarvey
Analysis of Air Force Logistics Enterprise: Evaluation of Global Repair Network Options for Supporting the F-16 and KC-135 (Project Air Force)
1,515 United States
Assessing the Resiliency of the Nation's Supply Chain: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Border, Maritime, and Global Counterterrrorism of the Commit
1,512 Andr?
Flowcasting the Retail Supply Chain
1,512 William J. Augello
Transportation, Logistics, and the Law
1,509 Richard Burke
Barbary Freight
1,508 United States. Defense Logistics Agency.
Annual management report of the Defense Logistics Agency
1,508 Charles Dana Gibson
Assault and Logistics: Union Army Coastal and River Operations 1861-1866 (Army's Navy Series, Vol 2)
1,506 Jack Polaritz
P&LE's Mikados (Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad modern era steam freight locomotives)
1,505 Books LLC
Shipping Companies of South Korea: Hanjin Shipping, Hyundai Logistics, Daehan Logistics, Koryeo Golden Box, Aju Logistics, Kumho Express
1,503 Peter S. Smith
Air Freight: Operations, Economics and Marketing
