Shipping Books

Popularitysort ascending Author & Title
1,377 Harshani Herath
An Aspect of Logistic Regression: Goodness of fit tests for the Logistic Regression Model
1,376 Julie J. Gentry
Affiliation of authors in transportation and logistics academic journals - revisited.: An article from: Transportation Journal
1,376 Ju-Miao Melody Hsiao
Buyer-Supplier Relationship: The Impact of Retailer-Supplier Cooperation and Decision-Making Uncertainty on Supply Chain Performance
1,376 R. A. Cage
A Tramp Shipping Dynasty - Burrell & Son of Glasgow, 1850-1939: A History of Ownership, Finance, and Profit (Contributions in Economics and Economic History)
1,376 Blecker; Thorsten; Wolfgang Kersten (eds.)
Compexity Management in Supply Chains: Concepts, Tools and Methods
1,375 Louis Francois Honor?
A Guide to the Merchant Shipping Acts (v. 1)
1,374 J. Edwin Becht
A geography of transportation and business logistics (The Brown foundations of geography series)
1,374 Scotty A. Pendley
Aligning maintenance metrics: improving C-5 TNMCM.(total not mission capable maintenance)(Essay): An article from: Air Force Journal of Logistics
1,373 Ronald H. Ballou
Business Logistics Management: Planning and Control (Prentice-Hall International Series in Management)
1,373 G. WEEKES
BR Standard Class 9F: A study of British Railways Standard Class 9F 2-10-0 heavy freight locomotive
1,373 Jim Dooley
Bar Code Compliance Labeling for the Supply Chain : How to Do It
1,372 Christian Bierwirth
Adaptive Search and the Management of Logistic Systems - Base Models for Learning Agents (OPERATIONS RESEARCH/ COMPUTER SCIENCE INTERFACES Volume 11)
1,372 Michael Quayle
Purchasing and Supply Chain Management: Strategies and Realities
1,371 Chris Wright
Automotive logistics: Optimising supply chain efficiency (An FT management report)
1,371 Nadine Hanisch
Spare Parts Logistics for SOFIA: Development of a dispatching system to control the spare parts logistics for the Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA)
1,371 Icon Group
The World Market for Railway or Tramway Vans, Wagons, and Freight Cars for the Transport of Goods Excluding Self-Propelled: A 2009 Global Trade Perspective
1,371 Marshall L. Fisher
What Is the Right Supply Chain for Your Products? (HBR OnPoint Enhanced Edition)
1,371 John Dumond
Velocity Management: The Business Paradigm that has Transformed U.S. Army Logistics
1,369 Golenur Huq
Automated Negotiation in Multi-Agent based Electronic Business: Negotiation in business-to-business (B2B) transactions in supply chain management (SCM) ... based electronic business (e-business)
1,369 Herbert George Wilson
Special Freight Services, Allowances and Privileges
1,369 Faulkner Information Services
Supply Chain Management: Process Integration for Globalized E-Business
1,368 David E. Mosher
Beyond the Nuclear Shadow: a Phased Approached for Improving Nuclear Safety and U.S.-Russian Realtions
1,366 Icon Group International
The 2009 Report on Electric Freight Elevators Excluding Farm and Portable Elevators: World Market Segmentation by City
1,366 Icon Group Publications
The 2009-2014 World Outlook for Supply Chain Management (SCM) Software
1,366 Aliki Varvogli
Annie Proulx's the Shipping News: A Reader's Guide (Continuum Contemporaries)
1,364 Scott W. Menard
Applied Logistic Regression Analysis (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences) (v. 106)
1,363 Sam R. Hancock
The Ammunition Supply Chain and Intermodalism: From Depot to Foxhole
1,363 Michael Ten Hompel
Warehouse Management: Automation and Organisation of Warehouse and Order Picking Systems (Intralogistik)
1,363 Wolfgang Buchholz
Supply Chain Solutions. Best Practices in e-business.
1,363 Baron Robert Samuel Theodore Chorley Chorley
Chorley and Giles' Shipping Law
