Shipping Books

Popularity Author & Title
1,128 Richard W. Unger
Ships and Shipping in the North Sea and Atlantic, 1400-1800 (Collected Studies, 601)
1,128 David Syrett
Shipping and the American War, 1775-83: A Study of British Transport Organization (University London Historical Study)
1,128 Russell W. Glenn
People Make the City, Executive Summary: Joint Urban Operations Observations and Insights from Afghanistan and Iraq
1,128 Joseph L. Cavinato
Supply Chain and Transportation Dictionary Fourth Edition
1,128 Kent N. Gourdin
Global Logistics Management: A Competitive Advantage for the 21st Century
1,128 Lou Dobbs
Exporting America: Why Corporate Greed Is Shipping American Jobs Overseas
1,128 Sameer Kumar
Parts Management Models and Applications: A Supply Chain System Integration Perspective
1,128 W. S. Lindsay
History Of Merchant Shipping And Ancient Commerce V2
1,128 Ann A. O'Connell
Logistic Regression Models for Ordinal Response Variables (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences)
1,128 Charles C. Poirier
Supply Chain Optimization: Building the Strongest Total Business Network
1,128 Nikki Dunne
The impact of environmental certification on the South African forest products supply chain (Research report)
1,128 Alan Rushton
International Logistics and Supply Chain Outsourcing: From Local to Global
1,128 Moshe Kress
Operational Logistics: The Art and Science of Sustaining Military Operations
1,128 ISO/TC 8
ISO/PAS 28000:2005, Specification for security management systems for the supply chain
1,128 Hans-Otto G?
Supply Chain Planning: Quantitative Decision Support and Advanced Planning Solutions
1,128 Eric Peltz
Equipment Sustainment Requirements for the Transforming Army
1,128 Ronald D. Fricker
Retooling for the Logistics Revolution: Designing Marine Corps Inventories to Support the Warfighter
1,128 Andrew R. Thomas
Supply Chain Security: International Practices and Innovations in Moving Goods Safely and Efficiently, Volume 1: The Context of Global Supply Chain Security (Praeger Security International)
1,128 James L. Lamprecht
Quality and Power in the Supply Chain: What Industry does for the Sake of Quality
1,128 Icon Group
The 2009-2014 World Outlook for Hydraulic Freight Elevators Excluding Farm and Portable Elevators
1,128 Ed Rhodes
Supply Chains and Total Product Systems: A Reader
1,128 Abhaya Indrayan
Medical Biostatistics (Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series)
1,128 Robert Dodson
NOLSC logistician returns from deployment.(Naval Operational Logistics Support Center): An article from: Navy Supply Corps Newsletter
1,128 Paul Sch??nsleben
Integral Logistics Management 3rd Edition
1,128 Philip M. Parker
The 2007-2012 Outlook for Retail Logistics in Greater China
1,128 G??nter Neumann
Supply Chain Management f??r die Immobilienwirtschaft: Unternehmens??bergreifendes Management von Wertsch??pfungsketten zur Optimierung von Immobilienbest?
1,128 Books LLC
Shipping: Ship Transport, Shipping, Barge, Law of Salvage, Cargo, Ship Pollution, International Ice Patrol, Fourth-Party Logistics
1,128 Mahyar A. Amouzegar
Supporting Expeditionary Aerospace Forces: Alternative Options for Jet Engine Intermediate Maintenance
1,128 Roy L. Neresesian
Computer Simulation in Logistics: With Visual Basic Application
Practical archaeology: Field and laboratory techniques and archaeological logistics (Archaeological research tools)
