Shipping Books

Popularitysort ascending Author & Title
1,137 John R Bondanella
Microworld Simulations for Command and Control Training of Theater Logistics and Support Staffs: A Curriculum Strategy (Rand Corporation//Rand Monograph Report)
1,137 James Avery Webb
The Law of Passenger and Freight Elevators
1,137 ISO/TC 104/SC 4
ISO 18185-3:2006, Freight containers - Electronic seals - Part 3: Environmental characteristics
1,137 Michael H. Hugos
Supply Chain Management in the Retail Industry
Ship operation automation: Proceedings of the IFAC/IFIP symposium, Oslo, Norway, July 2-5, 1973 (Computer applications in shipping and shipbuilding)
1,136 Frank S. Ingoldsby
Railway Economics: A Treatise On The Problem Of How To Increase The Earnings Of Freight Equipment (1901)
1,136 Horst Tempelmeier
Material-Logistik: Modelle und Algorithmen f??r die Produktionsplanung und -steuerung und das Supply Chain Management (German Edition)
1,136 Kap Hwan Kim
Container Terminals and Cargo Systems: Design, Operations Management, and Logistics Control Issues
1,136 Fabio Frigo-Mosca
Referenzmodelle f??r Supply Chain Management nach den Prinzipien der zwischenbetrieblichen Kooperation.
1,136 Elizabeth A. Cudney
Implementing Lean Six Sigma throughout the Supply Chain: The Comprehensive and Transparent Case Study
1,136 C. D. J. Waters
Supply Chain Risk Management: Vulnerability and Resilience in Logistics
1,136 William Arthur Shelton
The Lakes-to-the-Gulf Deep Waterway: A Study of the Proposed Channel, Terminals, Water Craft, Freight Movement, and Rail and Boat Rates.
1,136 Roy L. Neresesian
Ships and Shipping: A Comprehensive Guide
1,136 Simon Ellis
Profitable Proximity: Product Sourcing Decisions in the Modern Supply Chain
1,136 Raimondo Luraghi
The Confederate Navy: The Ships, Men, and Organization, 1861-65
1,136 Icon Group International
The 2009-2014 Outlook for Single-And Double-Wall Shipping Sacks and Bags Excluding Textile Bags in Greater China
1,136 Mara Hartmann
Hawkins Field of dreams hits home run.(Goggin Warehousing)(Logistics Insights)(Waltex)(Hawkins Field Industrial Park): An article from: Mississippi Business Journal
1,136 Eiichi Taniguchi
Logistics Systems for Sustainable Cities: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on City Logistics (Madeira, Portugal, 25-27 June, 2003)
1,136 Joseph L. Walden
The Forklifts Have Nothing To Do!: Lessons in Supply Chain Leadership
1,136 Steve R. Waddell
United States Army Logistics: From the American Revolution to 9/11 (PSI Reports)
1,136 Philip M. Parker
The 2007-2012 Outlook for Logistics in Greater China
1,136 R. S. Fenton
Dutch and Belgian Short Sea Shipping 1996-97
1,136 Richard F. Poist
Development and Implementation of Reverse Logistics Program.(Review) (book review): An article from: Transportation Journal
1,136 Thorsten Blecker/George Q. Huang
RFID in Operations and Supply Chain Management
1,136 T. C. Edwin Cheng
Innovative Quick Response Programs in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (International Handbooks on Information Systems)
1,136 Mary E. Chenoweth
Organizational Policy Levers Can Affect Acquistion Reform Implemenatation in Air Force Repair Contracts
1,136 Ignacy Henryk Chrzanowski
Concentration and Centralisation of Capital in Shipping (Saxon House studies)
1,136 Icon Group
The 2009-2014 World Outlook for Air Freight Services
1,136 Frank Gehr
Logistik in der Automobilindustrie: Innovatives Supply Chain Management f??r wettbewerbsf?
1,136 Donald Waters
Global Logistics And Distribution Planning: Strategies for Management
