Shipping Books

Popularitysort ascending Author & Title
1,139 Icon Group International
The 2009-2014 Outlook for Single-And Double-Wall Shipping Sacks and Bags Excluding Textile Bags in Greater China
1,139 Amir H. Alizadeh
Shipping Derivatives and Risk Management
1,139 Icon Group International
The 2009-2014 Outlook for Polyethylene Shipping Sacks in Greater China
Looking to the 21st century in purchasing and supply chain management: The proceedings for the First Worldwide Research Symposium on Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
1,139 John Broughton Daish
The Atlantic Port Differentials, Documents Pertaining to the Adjustment of Freight Rates Between the West
1,139 John F. Magee
Industrial Logistics - Analysis and Mangement of Physical Supply and Distributi
1,139 Ivano Ortis
Retail Supply Chain Best Practices - Just-in-Time, Scalable, and Efficient Store Replenishments at Dirk van den Broek
1,139 Jean-Fran?
The Cost of Being Landlocked: Logistics Costs and Supply Chain Reliability (Directions in Development)
1,139 Ignacy Henryk Chrzanowski
Concentration and Centralisation of Capital in Shipping (Saxon House studies)
1,139 Y. Yao
Supply chain integration in vendor-managed inventory [An article from: Decision Support Systems]
1,139 Frank Gehr
Logistik in der Automobilindustrie: Innovatives Supply Chain Management f??r wettbewerbsf?
1,139 Archibald Ross Lewis
The northern seas: Shipping and commerce in northern Europe, A.D. 300-1100
1,139 Donald Waters
Global Logistics And Distribution Planning: Strategies for Management
1,139 Dick Morreale
The How To Book of Logistics: Supply Chain Management Made Understandable
1,139 David A. Collier
Operations Management: Goods, Service, and Value Chains (with CD-ROM and Crystal Ball Pro 2000)
1,139 John R Bondanella
Microworld Simulations for Command and Control Training of Theater Logistics and Support Staffs: A Curriculum Strategy (Rand Corporation//Rand Monograph Report)
1,139 Michael H. Hugos
Supply Chain Management in the Retail Industry
Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management custom edition for Faringdale State College
1,139 Icon Group Ltd.
D.LOGISTICS AG: International Competitive Benchmarks and Financial Gap Analysis (Financial Performance Series)
1,139 James B. Ayers
Supply Chain Project Management: A Structured Collaborative and Measurable Approach
1,139 Colin Barrett
Modern Transportation Management (VNR Materials Management/Logistics Series)
1,139 Sherrill Lingel
Methodology for Improving the Planning, Execution, and Assessment of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Operations (Technical Report (RAND))
1,138 United Nations
Integrated International Transport and Logistics System for North-East Asia
1,138 Unavailable
Products in electronic format only: education, training, and mentoring.: An article from: Air Force Journal of Logistics
1,138 Jacquelyn Lynn
Start Your Own Freight Brokerage Business, Third Edition (Start Your Own...)
1,138 James Martin
Lean Six Sigma for Supply Chain Management, Chapter 7: Lean Supply Chains and Third-Party Logistics
1,138 Willis H. Ware
RAND and the Information Evolution: A History in Essays and Vignettes
1,138 Icon Group
The 2009 Import and Export Market for Railway or Tramway Vans, Wagons, and Freight Cars for the Transport of Goods Excluding Self-Propelled in Latin America
1,138 William Arthur Shelton
The Lakes-to-the-Gulf Deep Waterway: A Study of the Proposed Channel, Terminals, Water Craft, Freight Movement, and Rail and Boat Rates.
1,138 Eric Vittinghoff
Regression Methods in Biostatistics: Linear, Logistic, Survival, and Repeated Measures Models (Statistics for Biology and Health)
