Shipping Books

Popularitysort ascending Author & Title
1,124 Jens Kiesel
Dictionary of Logistics and Supply Chain Management / Fachwrterbuch Logistik und Supply Chain Management: English - German / Deutsch - Englisch
1,124 William Atkinson Oliver
Oliver's Shipping Law Manual
1,124 Kenneth John Button
The Economics of Urban Freight Transport
1,124 Julius Hall Parmelee
Statistics of Freight Traffic: -1913
1,124 Stanley Fawcett
Supply Chain Design & Implementation (From Vision to Action)
1,124 Peter N. Davies
Japanese Shipping and Shipbuilding in the Twentieth-Century: The Writings of Peter N. Davies
1,124 Andre Langevin
Logistics Systems: Design and Optimization (Gerad 25th Anniversary Series)
1,124 Sunil Chopra
Introduction to Business - Excerpts taken from: Supply Chain Management - Strategy, Planning, & Operation - 3rd Edition (Custom for Northeastern University)
1,124 Anne McKinney
Real-Resumes for Supply & Logistics Jobs
1,124 G. N. Yannopoulos
Shipping Policies for an Open World Economy
1,123 Thomas S. Szayna
Preparing the Army for Stability Operations: Doctrinal and Interagency Issues
1,123 Marc Robbins
Measurement of USMC Logistics Processes: Creating a Baseline to Support Precision Logistics Implementation (Documented Briefing)
1,123 D. Lowe
Storage and Distribution in Supply Chains: Study Guide
1,123 Edward C. Schmidt
Freight Train Resistance, Its Relation To Car Weight
1,123 Philip M. Parker
The 2007-2012 Outlook for Logistics in Japan
1,123 Railway Accounting Officers Association
Synopsis of Decisions and Recommendations Relating to Freight Accounts: July, 1888, to June, 1916, Inclusive (1916)
1,123 Hans-Christian. Pfohl
Risiko- und Chancenmanagement in der Supply Chain. proaktiv - ganzheitlich - nachhaltig.
1,123 Stephen M Disney
On Replenishment Rules, Forecasting and the Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chains
1,123 Icon Group Ltd.
NIPPON STEEL LOGISTICS CO LTD: Labor Productivity Benchmarks and International Gap Analysis (Labor Productivity Series)
1,123 Joseph Hilbe
Logistic Regression Models (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science)
1,123 Knut Alicke
Planung und Betrieb von Logistiknetzwerken: Unternehmens??bergreifendes Supply Chain Management (VDI-Buch) (German Edition)
1,123 Tim Underhill
Strategic Alliances: Managing the Supply Chain
1,123 Icon Group
The 2009-2014 World Outlook for Shipping Sacks and Multi-Wall Bags Excluding Textile Bags
1,123 Susan Berry
Kitchen Harvest: Growing Organic Fruit, Vegetables & Herbs in Containers
1,123 Gerhard F. Knolmayer
Supply Chain Management Based on SAP Systems: Architecture and Planning Processes (SAP Excellence)
1,123 Thomas Ziegler
Supply Chain Spuren im Schnee: Mit Supply Chain Management zu Optimierungsans?
1,123 Joseph L. Cavinato
Supply Chain and Transportation Dictionary Fourth Edition
1,123 Kimberly Spielman
Food Supply Chains and Food-Miles: An Analysis for Selected Conventional, Non-local Organic and Other-alternative Foods Sold in Missoula, Montana
1,123 Robert S. Tripp
Sense and Respond Logistics Integrating Prediction, Responsiveness, and Control Capabilities (Project Air Force)
1,123 Lou Dobbs
Exporting America: Why Corporate Greed Is Shipping American Jobs Overseas
