Shipping Books

Popularitysort ascending Author & Title
1,169 Stephanie Jones
Trade and Shipping: Lord Inchcape, 1852-1932 (Business and Society)
1,169 James H. Levitt
For want of trade: Shipping and the New Jersey ports, 1680-1783 (A Thomas Alva Edison study in New Jersey economic history)
1,169 Wally Klatch
Supply Chain for Liquids: Out of the Box Approaches to Liquid Logistics (Resource Management)
Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Antarctic Logistics and Operations: San Carlos de Bariloche, Republica Argentina, 8 to 10 June, 1992
1,168 United States. War Dept. General Staff
Logistics in World War II: Final report of the Army Service Forces. A report to Under Secretary of War and the Chief of Staff,
1,168 Kathleen Mckone-Sweet
Development and analysis of a supply chain strategy taxonomy.(Report): An article from: Journal of Supply Chain Management
1,168 Douglas M. Lambert
Supply Chain Management: Processes, Partnerships, Performance, 3rd edition
1,168 John R. Folkeson
Improving the Army's Management of Reparable Spare Parts
Selling to the military: Army, Navy, Air Force, Defense Logistics Agency, other defense agencies : general information, items purchased, location of military purchasing offices
1,168 Steven D. Johnson
L&N, Louisville & Nashville: Color guide to freight and passenger equipment
1,168 Judith Fiedler
Field Research: A Manual for Logistics and Management of Scientific Studies in Natural Settings (Social and Behavioral Science Series)
1,168 Murillo Xavier
Strategic Sourcing - Suppliers are from Mars, Customers are from Venus
1,167 United States. Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Doctrine for logistic support of joint operations: Joint Chiefs of Staff
1,167 Icon Group International
Logistic: Webster's Timeline History, 1570 - 2007
1,167 Icon Group International
The 2009-2014 Outlook for Specialized Freight Trucking in the United States
1,167 Michael Roe
Commercialisation in Central and East European Shipping (Plymouth Studies in Contemporary Shipping)
1,167 Peter Attwood
Logistics of a Distribution System
1,167 Icon Group International
The 2009-2014 Outlook for Parts for Passenger and Freight Elevators and Escalators in Japan
1,167 Yves Netzhammer
Netzkompetenz in Supply Chains
1,167 Susanna Leonard Hill
Freight Train Trip!: A Lift-the-Flap Adventure
1,166 Robert Sproull
The Ultimate Improvement Cycle: Maximizing Profits through the Integration of Lean, Six Sigma, and the Theory of Constraints
1,166 Icon Group International
The 2009 Report on Polyurethane Foam Protective Shipping Pads and Shaped Cushioning: World Market Segmentation by City
1,166 Peter L. Grieco
Supply Chain Management
1,166 Jacqueline MacDonald
Transferring Army BRAC Lands Containing Unexploded Ordnance: Lessons Learned and Future Options
1,166 W. C. Benton
1,166 ISO TC 111/SC 3
ISO 2308:1972, Hooks for lifting freight containers of up to 30 tonnes capacity - Basic requirements
1,165 John Kelly
Freight Trains of the Upper Mississippi River Photo Archive
Transportation-logistics dictionary
1,165 Jochen Gro?
Ist-Anaylse des Supply Chain Management im Mobilfunkbereich: Betrachtung der wesentlichen Punkte des SCM mit Praxisbeispielen (German Edition)
1,165 Julia Wolf
The Nature of Supply Chain Management Research
