Shipping Books

Popularitysort ascending Author & Title
1,330 Jeremy A. Howe
Beyond authorized versus assigned: aircraft maintenance personnel capacity.: An article from: Air Force Journal of Logistics
1,330 Ananth Raman
The 21st Century Supply Chain (HBR Collection)
1,329 Noel A. McInerney
Logistics: The Transportation and Distribution Aspects
1,329 Joyce M. Bellamy
The Trade and Shipping of Nineteenth-century Hull
1,329 Lane C. Kendall
Business of Shipping
1,329 Alfred L. Kresse
Chesapeake & Ohio freight cars, 1937-1965
1,328 F. M Henderson
A guide to use of the XWAVE program (Computation, Mathematics, and Logistics Department research and development report)
1,328 Carl Rhodes
A Strategies-to-Tasks Framework for Planning and Executing Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Operations
1,326 Ronald G. McGarvey
Global Combat Support: Robust Prepositioning Strategies for Air Force War Reserve Materiel
1,326 Ron Basu
Total Supply Chain Management
1,326 Partha Priya Datta
Agent-based simulation for improving resilience of supply chains: A guide to manage uncertainty in supply chains
1,326 David E. Mulcahy
Eaches or Pieces Order Fulfillment, Design, and Operations Handbook (Series on Resouce Management)
1,325 United States. Shipping Board
What Are We to Do With Our Government Owned Ships?
1,323 J. Kenneth Hazen
The Role of Transportation in the Supply Chain
1,323 Helmut H. Wannenwetsch
E- Supply- Chain- Management. Grundlagen - Praxisanwendungen - Strategien.
1,323 C.V. Christianson
In search of logistics visibility: enabling effective decision making.: An article from: Defense Transportation Journal
1,323 J. A. Salter
Allied Shipping Control: An Experiment In International Administration (1921)
1,322 National Research Council
Supply Chain Integration: New Roles for Small and Medium-sized Manufacturers
1,322 Association of American Railroads. Bureau of Railway Economics
Arguments for and Against Limitation of Length of Freight Trains (1916)
1,322 Donald J. Bowersox
Supply Chain Logistics Management (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin Series Operations and Decision Sciences)
1,321 Michael Stammers
Suffolk Shipping
1,321 Philip Obal
Selecting Warehouse Software from WMS & ERP Providers - Expanded Edition: Find the Best Warehouse Module or Warehouse Management System
1,321 Costas P. Pappis
Climate Change, Supply Chain Management and Enterprise Adaptation: Implications of Global Warming on the Economy
1,321 Charles C. Poirier
Advanced Supply Chain Management: How to Build a Sustained Competitive Advantage
1,320 Archie Lawson
Freight trains west
1,319 Benjamin S. Lambeth
American Carrier Air Power at the Dawn of a New Century
1,319 Walter Victor Turner
Brake Operation And Manipulation In General Freight Service (1910)
1,319 John W. Toomey
MRP II: Planning for manufacturing excellence (Chapman & Hall Materials Management/Logistics Series)
1,318 Dina Levy
Exploring the Use of Microworld Models to Train Army Logistics Management Skills
