Shipping Books

Popularitysort ascending Author & Title
1,409 Ren?
Globales Supply Chain Management unter Risikogesichtspunkten: Umsetzung einer Risikomanagementstrategie im globalen Umfeld der Wertsch??pfungskette (German Edition)
1,406 Sandor Boyson
Logistics and the Extended Enterprise: Benchmarks and Best Practices for the Manufacturing Professional
1,406 Norman R. Hacking
The Princess story: A century and a half of West Coast shipping
1,406 Haiyan Song
Tourism Supply Chain Management
1,404 Datamonitor
Logistics in the United Kingdom
1,403 ISO TC 104/SC 1
ISO 3874:1997, Series 1 freight containers -- Handling and securing
1,401 J. A. Muckstadt
Analysis and Algorithms for Service Parts Supply Chains
1,399 Thomas B Guthrie
Freight Brokers Handbook
1,399 Marc Eisenbarth
Erfolgsfaktoren Des Supply Chain Managements In Der Automobilindustrie (German Edition)
1,398 Frederick W. Memmott
Application of Statewide Freight Demand Forecasting Techniques (National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report,)
1,398 Dinesh Kumar
Beyond the low-hanging fruit: designing an enduring lean supply chain in the consumer packaged goods industry.(Fine Fruit): An article from: Industrial Engineer
1,398 Markus Hesse
The City as a Terminal (Transport and Mobility)
1,397 Kwok L. Shum
A mathematical-computer simulation of the dynamics of a freight element in a railroad freight car
1,395 Unavailable
Abu Dhabi - The Logistics.: An article from: APS Review Oil Market Trends
1,394 Richard A. Pierce
Alaskan Shipping, 1867-1878: Arrivals and Departures at the Port of Sitka (Alaska History)
1,394 Miles Cook
Why companies flunk supply-chain 101 : Only 33% correctly measure supply-chain performance
1,394 Louis Francois Honor?
A Guide to the Merchant Shipping Acts (v. 2)
1,394 Chris Knight
Agriculture in the Food Supply Chain: An Overview (Key Topics in Food Science & Technology)
1,394 John A Lynn
Feeding Mars: Logistics In Western Warfare From The Middle Ages To The Present (History and Warfare)
1,393 John J. Coyle
Business Logistics: Student Manual
1,392 Frank Wiengarten
E-business and Supply Chain Collaboration: Measuring Performance Benefits in the German Automotive Industry
1,392 Paul Kosakowski
A tale of two distributors: the future of the supply chain.: An article from: Doors and Hardware
1,391 Philip S. Anton
Wind Tunnel and Propulsion Test Facilities: An Assessment of NASA's Capabilities to Serve National Needs
1,389 Ritva Koponen
An item analysis of tests in mathematics applying logistic test models (Jyvaskyla studies in education, psychology and social research)
1,388 A.B. Aune
Automation for Safety in Shipping and Offshore Petroleum Operations: Symposium Proceedings (Computer applications in shipping and shipbuilding)
1,388 C. Veal
Heavy Freight: 28xx and 38xx Consolidations of the Great Western
1,387 John F. Haldon
General Issues in the Study of Medieval Logistics: Sources, Problems And Methodologies (History of Warfare, V. 36)
1,386 SGA Lists
CEVA Logistics
1,386 Alan Agresti
An Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
1,386 Philip M. Parker
The 2007-2012 World Outlook for Logistics
