Shipping Books

Popularitysort ascending Author & Title
1,136 Adam Caplin
New Container Style: Simple and Innovative Ideas for Planing Recycled Pots
1,136 Bernard J Termena
Logistics: An illustrated history of AFLC and its antecedents, 1921-1981
1,136 Icon Group International
The 2009-2014 Outlook for General Freight Trucking in Japan
1,136 Sridhar Tayur
Quantitative Models for Supply Chain Management (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science)
1,136 Victor H. Pooler
Global Purchasing: Reaching for the world (Vnr Materials Management/Logistics Series)
Ports and shipping in the South-West: papers presented at two seminars on the maritime history of the South-West of England, held at Dartington Hall, 19-20 ... 1969; (Exeter papers in economic history)
1,135 Victor H. Pooler
Purchasing and Supply Management: Creating the Vision (Materials Management/Logistics Series)
1,135 David J. Starkey
Shipping Movements In The Ports Of The United Kingdom, 1871-1913: A Statistical Profile (University of Exeter Press - Exeter Maritime Studies)
1,135 Charles C Poirier
E-Supply Chain: Using the Internet to Revolutionize Your Business - How Market Leaders Focus Their Entire Organization on Driving Value to Customers
1,135 Mandyam M. Srinivasan
Streamlined: 14 Principles for Building & Managing the Lean Supply Chain
1,135 Mohammad Asif Salam
1,135 Elvin Sydney Ketchum
Saving Freight Money by Applying the 1910 Railroad Law, Containing the Complete Text of the Interstate Commerce Law: The 1910 Railroad Law and the Commerce Court Act (1910)
1,135 Jonathan B. Haynes
Operational logistics graduate education at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, Calif.: An article from: Navy Supply Corps Newsletter
1,135 Tar Tanimitsu
Rojisutikusu: Senshi ni manabu butsuryu senryaku = Logistics (Japanese Edition)
1,135 William W. Taylor
Fighter Drawdown Dynamics: Effects on Aircrew Inventories
1,135 Karin Burzynski
NAVELSF finds talent within HQ, battalion to conduct convoy from Texas to Virginia.(Naval Expeditionary Logistics Support Force ): An article from: Navy Supply Corps Newsletter
1,135 John W. Toomey
Inventory Management: Principles, Concepts and Techniques (Materials Management Logistics Series)
1,134 M A Geisler
Logistics (North-Holland/TIMS studies in the management sciences)
1,134 Mark Hanna
Integrated Operations Management: A Supply Chain Perspective (Thomson Advantage Books)
1,134 David H. Taylor
Manufacturing Operations and Supply Chain Management: The LEAN Approach
1,134 State Street Trust Company
Old Shipping Days In Boston (1918)
1,134 Edgar Watkins
Shippers and Carriers of Interstate Freight
1,134 Douglas Long
International Logistics: Global Supply Chain Management
1,134 Kenneth Girardini
Improving DoD Logistics: Perspectives from RAND Research (Db-148-Crmaf Series)
1,134 Ribert L. Dodson
Naval operational logistics support center supports Hurricane Katrina relief efforts.(HIGHLIGHT): An article from: Navy Supply Corps Newsletter
1,134 Cecil C.; Handfield, Robert B. Bozarth
Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management -- Second 2nd Edition, Instructor's Review Copy
1,134 E. Volta
Ship Operation Automation, IV: Proceedings (Computer applications in shipping and shipbuilding)
1,133 Icon Group
The 2009-2014 World Outlook for Polystyrene Foam Protective Shipping Pads, Shaped Cushioning, and Other Foam Packaging Supplies
1,133 Khalid Bichou
Risk Management in Port Operations, Logistics and Supply-Chain Security (Lloyd's Practical Shipping Guides)
1,132 Icon Group
The 2009-2014 World Outlook for Corrugated Shipping Containers for Paper and Allied Products
