Shipping Books

Popularitysort ascending Author & Title
Supply Chain Management
1,128 G. N. Yannopoulos
Shipping Policies for an Open World Economy
1,128 Icon Group
The 2009-2014 World Outlook for Unbleached Kraft Shipping Sack Paper
1,128 Rob Whewell
Supply Chain in the Pharmaceutical Industry
1,128 Dana Gould
Corporate Payments and Financial Supply Chain: Which Banks Are Best
1,128 Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Outlines & Highlights for Principles of Supply Chain Management by Joel D. Wisner, ISBN: 9780324657913
1,128 Railway Accounting Officers Association
Synopsis of Decisions and Recommendations Relating to Freight Accounts: July, 1888, to June, 1916, Inclusive (1916)
1,128 James B. Ayers
Handbook of Supply Chain Management, Second Edition (Resource Management)
1,128 Hans-Christian. Pfohl
Risiko- und Chancenmanagement in der Supply Chain. proaktiv - ganzheitlich - nachhaltig.
1,128 Colin M. de la Rue
Shipping and the Environment: Law and Practice (Lloyd's Shipping Law Library)
1,128 Joseph Hilbe
Logistic Regression Models (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science)
1,128 Sherrill Lingel
Methodology for Improving the Planning, Execution, and Assessment of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Operations (Technical Report (RAND))
1,128 Philip Parker
Liverpool Shipping in Colour: Four Decades of Change
Logistics Research Network 2000 Conference Proceedings
1,128 B. Jiang
The decision-making on an in-house logistic division's operation strategies [An article from: International Journal of Production Economics]
1,128 Icon Group International
The 2009-2014 Outlook for Polyethylene Shipping Sacks in the United States
1,128 Richard W. Unger
Ships and Shipping in the North Sea and Atlantic, 1400-1800 (Collected Studies, 601)
1,128 Joel Wisner
Process Management: Creating Value in the Supply Chain
1,128 Russell W. Glenn
People Make the City, Executive Summary: Joint Urban Operations Observations and Insights from Afghanistan and Iraq
1,128 Sebastian Engell
Logistic Optimization of Chemical Production Processes
1,128 Sameer Kumar
Parts Management Models and Applications: A Supply Chain System Integration Perspective
1,128 W. S. Lindsay
History Of Merchant Shipping And Ancient Commerce V2
1,128 Charles C. Poirier
Supply Chain Optimization: Building the Strongest Total Business Network
1,128 Alan Rushton
International Logistics and Supply Chain Outsourcing: From Local to Global
1,128 Moshe Kress
Operational Logistics: The Art and Science of Sustaining Military Operations
1,128 ISO/TC 8
ISO/PAS 28000:2005, Specification for security management systems for the supply chain
1,128 James B. Ayers
Retail Supply Chain Management (Series on Resource Management)
1,128 Dr Ademuni-Odeke
Shipping in International Trade Relations
1,128 Daniel Gonzales
Networked Forces in Stability Operations 101st Airborne Division, 3/2 and 1/25 Stryker Brigades in Northern Iraq
1,128 Ronald D. Fricker
Retooling for the Logistics Revolution: Designing Marine Corps Inventories to Support the Warfighter
