Shipping Books

Popularity Author & Title
1,290 Scott Hamilton
Managing Your Supply Chain Using Microsoft Dynamics AX
1,289 Anne Jones
Beyond the Supply Chain: A Step-by-Step Guide to Radically Improving Healthcare Delivery with Electronic Transactions
1,289 Rev. W. Awdry
Thomas and Friends: Lift-the-Flap Freight (Thomas & Friends)
1,289 Sjoerd Hoekstra
Integral Logistic Structures: Developing Customer-Oriented Goods Flow
1,289 Okechukwu Chris Iheduru
The Political Economy of International Shipping in Developing Countries
1,289 Emory Richard Johnson
Ocean Rates and Terminal Charges
1,288 Icon Group International
The 2009-2014 Outlook for Electric Freight Elevators Excluding Farm and Portable Elevators in India
1,287 James Jaccard
Interaction Effects in Logistic Regression (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences)
1,287 Radhakumud Mookerji
Indian Shipping: A History Of The Sea-Borne Trade And Maritime Activity Of The Indians From The Earliest Times (1912)
1,287 Timm Gudehus
Comprehensive Logistics
1,287 Robert A. Malone
Chain Reaction: How Today?s Best Companies Manage Their Supply Chains for Superior Performance
1,286 J. F. (John Frederick) Strombeck
Freight Classification: A Study of Underlying Principles (1912)
1,286 Clinton H. Whitehurst
American Domestic Shipping in American Ships: Jones Act Costs, Benefits and Options (Special analysis)
1,286 David Diener
Value Recovery from the Reverse Logistics Pipeline
1,286 Malcolm Wheatley
Supply chain strategies for competitive advantage (Management Today report)
1,286 James C. Bates
What DOD logisticians should know about the Army.(Defense Logistics Agency, Army): An article from: Army Logistician
1,286 John G. Drew
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle End to End Support Considerations
1,285 Clifford Winston
The Economic Effects of Surface Freight Deregulation
1,284 Author Unknown
Blue Book of American Shipping.: Marine and Naval Directory of the United States. 1907
1,284 David Bovet
Unlocking the Rusty Supply Chain (Guest Column)
1,284 Peter J. Dye
Shaping logistics--just-in-time logistics.: An article from: Air Force Journal of Logistics
1,284 Walter O'Meara
The Vnr Concise Guide to Business Logistics (VNR concise management series)
1,284 Goh Puay Guan
Supply Chain Management
1,283 Natasha Anne Mocke
The Shipping Mistake
1,283 Paul Virilio
War and Cinema: The Logistics of Perception (Reprint) (Radical Thinkers)
1,283 Unavailable
Tunisia - The Logistics.: An article from: APS Review Oil Market Trends
1,283 Marshall L. Fisher
The New Science of Retailing: How Analytics are Transforming the Supply Chain and Improving Performance
1,283 Ren?
A Historical Dictionary of the U.S. Merchant Marine and Shipping Industry: Since the Introduction of Steam
1,283 Michael McClellan
Collaborative Manufacturing: Using Real-Time Information to Support the Supply Chain
1,283 Lewis M. Schneider
The Future of the U.S. Domestic Air Freight Industry: An Analysis of Management Strategies (Harvard Business School Publications)
