Shipping Books

Popularitysort ascending Author & Title
1,137 Elvin Sydney Ketchum
Saving Freight Money by Applying the 1910 Railroad Law, Containing the Complete Text of the Interstate Commerce Law: The 1910 Railroad Law and the Commerce Court Act (1910)
Ports and shipping in the South-West: papers presented at two seminars on the maritime history of the South-West of England, held at Dartington Hall, 19-20 ... 1969; (Exeter papers in economic history)
1,136 Icon Group
The 2009-2014 World Outlook for Polystyrene Foam Protective Shipping Pads, Shaped Cushioning, and Other Foam Packaging Supplies
1,136 Kenneth Girardini
Improving DoD Logistics: Perspectives from RAND Research (Db-148-Crmaf Series)
1,136 Toru Higuchi
Life Cycle Management in Supply Chains: Identifying Innovations Through the Case of the VCR
1,135 Mark Hanna
Integrated Operations Management: A Supply Chain Perspective (Thomson Advantage Books)
1,135 P. Wayt
International Supply Chain Management: Study Guide
1,135 M.K. Bhardwaj
Glossary of Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
Managing European logistics (Report)
1,134 Chaher Alzaman
Designing the Supply Chain with a Quality Perspective: Heuristics to Solve a Nonlinear Mathematical Programming Problem
1,134 Kent Masterson Brown
Retreat from Gettysburg: Lee, Logistics, and the Pennsylvania Campaign (Civil War America)
1,134 Frank Asche
Primary Industries Facing Global Markets: The Supply Chains and Markets for Norwegian Food and Forest Products
1,132 Benjamin King
Spearhead of Logistics: A history of the United States Army Transportation Corps
