Shipping Books

Popularitysort ascending Author & Title
1,249 C. Langley
Managing Supply Chains: A Logistics Approach, International Edition
1,248 Shaun Connors
Jane's Military Vehicles and Logistics, 2002-2003
1,248 J. R. Anderson
The IOMA Handbook of Logistics and Inventory Management
1,247 United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation
Aids to Employment Managers and Interviewers on Shipyard Occupations with Description of Such Occupa
1,247 Sara Moss
Human Capital Supply Chains
1,247 Luis X. B. Mour?
Dynamics AX: A Guide to Microsoft Axapta
1,247 Edward Thomas Davies Chambers
The Port Of Quebec, Its Facilities And Prospects: The Past, Present And Future Of Quebec's Shipping Trade (1890)
1,247 Obaid Younossi
The Long March: Building an Afghan National Army
1,246 David E. Mulcahy
Warehouse Distribution and Operations Handbook (McGraw-Hill Handbooks)
1,246 Malcolm J. Saunders
Strategic Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
1,246 IDC
North America Packaged Enterprise Application 2003 Vendor Analysis: Product Supply Chain Industries
1,246 Jeroen P. van den Berg
Integral Warehouse Management: The Next Generation in Transparency, Collaboration and Warehouse Management Systems
Selected papers on buyer-supplier interaction in the UK tableware supply chain
1,246 Icon Group International
The 2009-2014 Outlook for Freight Transportation Arrangement in Japan
1,246 B.V.S. Prasad
Supply Chain Management in Services Industry: An Introduction
1,246 Martin Christopher
The Strategy of Distribution: A Logistics Management Approach
1,245 David Jessop
Storage and Supply of Materials: Inbound Logistics for Commerce, Industry and Public Undertakings
1,245 Kenneth N. Brown
Strategics: The Logistics - Strategy Link
1,245 David Simchi-Levi
Managing the Supply Chain : The Definitive Guide for the Business Professional
1,245 Matthew Levesque
The Revolutionary Yardscape: Ideas for Repurposing Local Materials to Create Containers, Pathways, Lighting, and More
1,245 Marc L. Robbins
Precision-Guided Logistics: Flexible Support for the Force-Projection Army's High-Technology Weapons
1,245 John Schofield
Laytime and Demurrage (Lloyd's Shipping Law Library)
1,244 James P Morgan
Strategic supply chain management: A comprehensive, non-technical guide to understanding what it's all about and what it means to business
1,244 Marcia Purnell
Selecting European markets (Cranfield research papers in marketing and logistics)
1,244 Icon Group International
The 2009 Report on Polystyrene Foam Protective Shipping Pads, Shaped Cushioning, and Other Foam Packaging Supplies: World Market Segmentation by City
1,244 John Mangan
Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management
1,243 Jill E. Hobbs
Vertical linkages in agri-food supply chains in Canada and the United States
1,243 Joseph Sarkis
Greening the Supply Chain
1,243 Peter Meindl Sunil Chopra
Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning and Operations --2000 publication.
1,243 Joe McKennon
Logistics of the American Circus
