Shipping Books

Popularitysort ascending Author & Title
1,240 Council of Logistics Management
Council of Logistics Management, Annual Conference Proceedings, Anaheim, California, October 11-14, 1998.
1,240 Kent N. Gourdin
Winning transportation partnerships: learning from the Desert Storm experience. (Operation Desert Storm): An article from: Transportation Journal
1,240 Jonathan Roth
The Logistics of the Roman Army at War, (264 B.C., A.D. 235) (Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition)
1,240 Ram Reddy
Supply Chains to Virtual Integration
Bottlenecks and Opportunities in the Grain Supply Chain: Fields on Wheels: Proceedings of the 9th Annual Agribusiness Logistics Conference Held at Win
1,240 Jacqueline MacDonald
Unexploded Ordance Cleanup Cost: Implications of Alternative Protocols
1,239 Sherry R. Gordon
Supplier Evaluation & Performance Excellence
1,239 A. A. Walters
Economics of Ocean Freight Rates
1,239 Duffy Littlejohn
Hopping Freight Trains in America
1,239 Scott Hamilton
Maximizing Your ERP System: A Practical Guide for Managers
1,239 Grover Gerhardt Huebner
Railroad Traffic and Rates: The Freight Service
Greening supply chain: Enhancing competitiveness through green productivity
1,239 Baron Robert Samuel Theodore Chorley Chorley
Shipping Law
1,239 Faulkner Information Services
Extending the Supply Chain to an E-Business
1,238 Lindy S. Johnson
Coastal State Regulation of International Shipping
1,238 Entrepreneur Press
How to Start a Freight Brokerage Business
1,238 David G Waller
Supply chain directions for a new North America
1,238 Gregor Dudek
Collaborative Planning in Supply Chains: A Negotiation-Based Approach
1,237 Nawal K. Taneja
United States Air Freight Industry
1,237 Icon Group International
The 2009-2014 Outlook for Trucking Freight Services in Greater China
1,237 Daniela Wiehenbrauk
Collaborative Promotions: Optimizing Retail Supply Chains with Upstream Informaton Sharing (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems)
1,237 Icon Group International
The 2009-2014 Outlook for Parts for Passenger and Freight Elevators and Escalators in Greater China
1,236 Steve Hamm
The Race for Perfect: Inside the Quest to Design the Ultimate Portable Computer
1,236 Great Britain
The Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Oil Pollution) (Amendment) Order 1985: Marine Pollution (Statutory instruments: 1985: 2002)
1,236 Gandolfo Dominici
From Business System to Supply Chain and Production in Japan
Heuristics for Reverse Logistics of Non-conform Material: Simulation in the Aeronautical Industry
1,235 Shoshanah Cohen
Strategic Supply Chain Management
1,235 AT&T
Design's Impact on Logistics
1,235 H. B. Desai
Search light on trade logistics
1,235 Kerry London
Construction Supply Chain Economics (Spon Research)
