Shipping Books

Popularitysort ascending Author & Title
1,527 Muhammad Iftakhar Alam
A Comparison Between Logistic and Multilevel Logistic Regression: On the Analysis of Contraceptive Prevalence in Bangladesh
1,511 David W. Hosmer
Applied logistic regression (Wiley Series in probability and statistics)
1,506 Peter Morris
The Wiley Guide to Project Technology, Supply Chain, and Procurement Management (The Wiley Guides to the Management of Projects)
1,480 Duncan S. Ballantine
U.S. Naval Logistics in the Second World War
1,479 John A. Ausink
Assessing the Impact of Future Operations on Trainer Aircraft Requirements
1,477 John H. Roy
A Field Guide to Southern New England Railroad Depots and Freight Houses (New England Rail Heritage)
1,467 Forrest R. Browne
A Classification and Analysis of National Contract Management Journal Articles from 1990 to 1999 and Journal of Supply Chain Management Articles from 1987 to 2000
APICS CPIM Basics of Supply Chain Management; Participant Workbook
1,460 Panos Kouvelis
The Structure of Global Supply Chains
1,455 Charles C. Poirier
Using Models to Improve the Supply Chain
1,451 Andrew W. Cox
Privatization and Supply Chain Management: On the Effective Alignment of Purchasing and Supply after Privatization (Routledge Studies in Business Organizations and Networks)
1,450 Lois M. Davis
Army Medical Support for Peace Operations and Humanitarian Assistance
1,440 Ellen Johnston McHenry
Inside a Freight Train (A Lift-the-Flap Book)
1,433 England
A Calendar of Early Chancery Proceedings Relating to West Country Shipping, 1388-1493 (Devon and Cornwall Record Society. Publications. Extra Serie)
1,432 Oliver Cordes
Ausgestaltung des Supply Chain Controlling: Instrumente des Supply Chain Controlling (German Edition)
1,428 David E. Mulcahy
A Supply Chain Logistics Program for Warehouse Management (Series on Resource Management)
1,424 Andrew R. Thomas
Supply Chain Security [2 volumes]: International Practices and Innovations in Moving Goods Safely and Efficiently (Praeger Security International)
1,422 Jayashree Dubey
Supply Chain Management
1,422 James Arbuthnot
An Historical Account of Peterhead, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time: Comprehending an Account of Its Trade, Shipping, Commerce, and Manufactures, ... a Copy of the Original Charter of Erectio
1,415 Matthias Kannegiesser
Value Chain Management in the Chemical Industry: Global Value Chain Planning of Commodities (Contributions to Management Science)
1,413 Gratz Mordecai
A Report On the Terminal Facilities for Handling Freight of the Railroads Entering the Port of New York: Especially of Those Raliroads Having Direct Western Connections
1,409 Don Snyder
A Methodology for Determining Air Force Deployment Requirements (Supporting Air and Space Expeditionary Forces)
1,409 Ralph Ostertag
Supply-Chain-Koordination im Auslauf in der Automobilindustrie
1,406 Robert Edwards Annin
Ocean Shipping: Elements of Practical Steamship Operation
1,401 Mark Pagell
Building a more complete theory of sustainable supply chain management using case studies of 10 exemplars.: An article from: Journal of Supply Chain Management
1,398 Ph.D. Adam J. Fein
Facing the Forces of Change?
1,395 David M. Anderson
Build-to-Order & Mass Customization; The Ultimate Supply Chain Management and Lean Manufacturing Strategy for Low-Cost On-Demand Production without Forecasts or Inventory
1,395 Joseph R Carter
IKARUS Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd
1,391 Charlie Connelly
Attention All Shipping: A Journey Round the Shipping Forecast (Radio 4 Book of the Week)
1,391 Martin C. Libicki
Cyberdeterrence and Cyberwar
