Shipping Books

Popularitysort ascending Author & Title
Business Wire : Intermec Honors TCS as New Partner of the Year; TCS' Supply Chain Solution Brings Customer Satisfaction.
1,444 Frank A. Camm
Effective Treatment of Logistics Resource Issues in the Air Force Planning, Programming, and Bugeting System (PPBS) Process
1,444 David Simchi-Levi
Handbook of Quantitative Supply Chain Analysis: Modeling in the E-Business Era (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science)
1,444 Yrj?? Kaukiainen
A History of Finnish Shipping (Maritime History)
1,443 William Frederick Spackman
An Analysis of the Occupations of the People,: Showing the Relative Importance of the Agricultural, Manufacturing, Shipping, Colonial, Commercial & M (Reprints of Economic Classics)
1,442 Peter Lorange
Shipping Strategy: Innovating for Success
1,441 John A. Ausink
Air Force Procurement Workforce Transformation: Lessons from the Commercial Sector for Skills, Training, and Metrics
1,439 Andy Sperandeo
The Model Railroader's Guide to Freight Yards (Model Railroader Books)
1,439 Alastair Chisholm
Millport Pier Album - An Illustrated History: Some Aspects of Piers and Shipping on Great Cumbrae
1,439 Rosalind Lewis
Building a Multinational Global Satellite System: An Initial Look (Project Air Force)
1,435 Charles A. Ingene
Mathematical Models of Distribution Channels (International Series in Quantitative Marketing)
1,435 Daniel Byman
A Stronger Partnership: Improving Military Cooperation with Relief Agencies and Allies in Humanitarian Crises
Business Wire : Qpass Announces its Extended Product Suite; Product Portfolio Strengthens Qpass' Role Providing Software That Powers the Entire Digital Supply Chain.
1,433 Donald Crews
Inside freight train
1,433 Icon Group International
The 2009-2014 Outlook for Stamped and Pressed Galvanized Steel Pails, Ash Cans, Garbage Cans, and Tubs Excluding Shipping Containers in the United States
1,433 Colin M. Castle
1,432 Luca Bertazzi
Innovations in Distribution Logistics (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems)
1,430 Frank Albert Waugh
Fruit Harvesting, Storing, Marketing: A Practical Guide to the Picking, Sorting, Packing, Storing, Shipping, and Marketing of Fruit
1,430 Adam Kalkin
Quik Build:Adam Kalkin's ABC of Container Architecture
1,428 Donald W. Engels
Alexander the Great and the Logistics of the Macedonian Army
1,428 Andrew W. Cox
Business Success: A Way of Thinking about Strategy, Critical Supply, Chain Assets and Operational Best Practice
1,428 Ronald H. Ballou
Business Logistics/Supply Chain Management and Logware CD Package (5th Edition)
1,428 Clyde Lyndon King
A Study Of Trolley Light Freight Service And Philadelphia Markets: In Their Bearing On The Cost Of Farm Produce (1912)
1,428 Paul Garon
What's the Use of Walking When There's a Freight Train Going Your Way?: Black Hoboes and Their Songs
1,427 Theophilus Parsons
A Treatise on the Law of Shipping and the Law and Practice of Admiralty [ V.1 ] [ 1869 ]
1,426 C.V. Christianson
Joint logistics--shaping our future: a personal perspective: the Department of Defense's senior logistician offers some thoughts on the collaborative network ... essay): An article from: Army Logistician
1,426 Cornelius F. Smith
The Shipping Murphys: The Palgrave Murphy Shipping Line 1850-1926
1,425 Don Snyder
Assessing Capabilities and Risks in Air Force Programming: Framework, Metrics, and Methods
1,425 Hsiao-Fan Wang
Web-Based Green Products Life Cycle Management Systems: Reverse Supply Chain Utilization (Premier Reference Source)
1,423 Lun Y.H. Venus
Adoption of EC by Logistics Service Providers: Adoption of Electronic Commerce by Logistics Service Providers in Hong Kong
