Transport Companies Catalogue

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Companysort descending City Phone Website Contact
Best Logistic C.A.
Valencia 241 547 0442
Broom Venezuela SA
Estado Carabobo +58 (242) 832-6274 Link Contact by email
Bureau Maritimo Venezolano CA
Guanta +58 (281) 267-3734/0707 Link Contact by email
CA Maritima Oceanica Granelera
Caracas +58 (212) 761-8583 Contact by email
Cabotaje Venezolano Caboven SA
Caracas +58 (212) 993-9280 Link Contact by email
Caracas +58 (212) 928469
Camden, Transportadora C.A.
Caracas 212 952 4635 Contact by email
Caribbean Agency & Stevedoring CA
Puerto Cabello +58 (242) 361-5296
Caracas 212 542 0064
Centro Comercial Cuidad Tamanco
CMA CGM Venezuela
Valencia +58 (212) 235-2424/6946 Link Contact by email
CMA CGM Venezuela
DC +58 (212) 235-2424/6946 Contact by email
Estado Sucre +58 (293) 467-1715/1981 Link
Compania Anonima Venezolana de Navegacion
Caracas +58 (212) 203-6511
Concord Logistics de Venezuela CA.
Caracas 212 731 3113
Concorde Aduanas S.A.
Caracas 212 351 1825 Contact by email
Consorcio Naviera del Occidente SA
Caracas +58 (212) 239 6276
Consorcio Naviero Venezolano
Caracas +58 (212) 261-0363
Consultores Delgado Dalo & Asociados
Caracas 212 285 3236 Contact by email
Corporacion P.G. C.A.
Maiquetia 212 331 1433 Contact by email
