Transport Companies Catalogue

Please use the selectors to get a list of companies within a certain business sector, country, and city. If you want to make a multiple selection do that with Ctrl key pressed.
Do you want to distinguish your company and show its name in color? Please contact us for pricing details.

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Companysort descending City Phone Website Contact
Bod +47 7550 7140 Link Contact by email
NOR LINES AS, Avd. Narvik
Narvik +47 7694 8550 Link Contact by email
Oslo +47 2201 4600 Link Contact by email
NOR LINES AS, Avd. Tananger
Stavanger +47 5171 8700 Link Contact by email
NOR LINES AS, Avd. Troms
Troms +47 7760 8130 Link Contact by email
NOR LINES AS, Avd. Trondheim
Trondheim +47 7350 6230 Link Contact by email
NOR LINES AS,Avd. Fredrikstad
Fredrikstad +47 6935 8930 Link Contact by email
NOR LINES AS,Avd. Kristiansand
Kristiansand S +47 3805 6710 Link Contact by email
NOR LINES AS,Avd. Larvik
Larvik +47 3313 6760 Link Contact by email
Nor Lines Vester
Sortland 7612 8470
Nor-Cargo A/S
Aalesund +47 70 12 30 23
Nor-Cargo A/S
Bergen +47 55 55 72 00
Nor-Cargo A/S
Bergen +47 55 31 74 60
Nor-Cargo A/S
Bodo +47 75 58 18 40
Nor-Cargo A/S
Oslo +47 55 55 72 00 Link Contact by email
Nor-Cargo A/S
Trondheim +47 73 54 50 00
Norbase AS
Harstad 7707 9600 Contact by email
Nord-Norsk Spedisjon AS
Narvik 7692 2190 Link Contact by email
Nordcarrier AS
Oslo 6689 1900 Contact by email
Nordic Combined Transport AS
Berg 6919 6667
