Transport Companies Catalogue

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Companysort descending City Phone Website Contact
Chiasso +41 91 695 6969 r.a. Contact by email
Birs Terminal AG
Basle 061 377 8000 Contact by email
Birs Terminal AG
Birsfelden +41 (61) 377 80 00 Link Contact by email
BLG Basle Warehouse & Forwarding Co Ltd
BLG Basler Lagerhaus & Speditionsgesellschaft AG
Basle 0041 61 695 8484 Link Contact by email
BLG Maritime Nauta Ltd
Basle +41 (61) 337 31 76
Innertkirchen 032 666 3652 Contact by email
Bonatrans AG
Z 044 246 7070 Contact by email
Bonatrans AG
Basle 061 331 8383
Botec S.A.
Geneva 022 304 8282 Contact by email
BPS Speditions-Service AG
Schaffhouse 052 305 0404
Schaffhouse 052 643 6723 Contact by email
Basle 061 322 1195 Contact by email
Bulk Ocean Transport Inc
Geneve +41 (22) 310 80 66
Bulk Transport Corp
Geneve +41 (22) 310 80 66
Bulknova SA
Hermance +41 (22) 751 46 10/12
Cappi & Marcoz SA
Martigny 027 722 7979
Cargocare AG
Embrach-Embraport 044 866 3131 Contact by email
CargoLine AG
Schenkon +41 (41) 926 60 50/51 Link Contact by email
Cargoline AG
Basle 041 462 9080
