Transport Companies Catalogue

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Companysort descending City Phone Website Contact
Hermes Transport AG
Basle 061 201 0101
Hofmann, W.H. & Co. AG
Z 056 417 9595 Contact by email
Hofstetter & Co. Ltd.
St. Gall 313 9141 Contact by email
Hofstetter + Co. AG
Basle 061 337 4949 Contact by email
Hohl AG Int. Transporte + Logistik
Altst 071 757 7070 Contact by email
Hoyer (Schweiz) AG
Basle 061 631 1643
Hupac Intermodal SA
Chiasso 091 695 2800 Contact by email
Imhof, Leonhard AG
Basle 061 756 9533
Inter ExpoLogistics SA
Geneva 022 798 1328
Interfrach-Tolimpex AG
Basle 061 378 1818
Intergate AG
Lucerne 041 612 2222 Contact by email
Intervia Transport S.A.
Chiasso 091 695 5656 Contact by email
ITS International Transport + Shipping Ltd.
Basle 061 722 0200
St. Gall 071 313 2900 Contact by email
Basle 061 465 6667 Contact by email
Embrach-Embraport 044 866 7777 Contact by email
Z 044 866 7777 Contact by email
Kamino Int. Transporte AG
Z 044 874 8020 Contact by email
Keller AG, Alexander
Z 044 732 3232 Contact by email
Keller Swiss Group SA
Geneva 022 827 7010 Contact by email
