Transport Companies Catalogue

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Companysort descending City Phone Website Contact
Panalpina World Transportation (Holding) Ltd
Basle +41 (61) 226 11 11 Link Contact by email
Panlog AG
Lucerne 041 209 6262
Parisi, Francesco S.a.g.l.
Chiasso 091 683 7585 Contact by email
PESA - Port-Franc & Entrep
Chavornay 024 442 9999 Link Contact by email
Phoenix Transports S.A.
Biel 032 322 4747
Piffaretti & Olivieri SA
Chiasso 695 8575 Contact by email
Planzer Transport AG
Z 044 744 6463 Contact by email
Poltrans Internationale Transport AG
Basle 061 639 9797 Contact by email
Port Franc de Martigny SA
Martigny 027 722 7333
Ports Francs et Entrep
Geneva 022 307 0707
Progress Transport SA
Chiasso 091 683 7771 Contact by email
Promlog AG
Basle 061 816 6446
Kreuzlingen 071 658 7000
Relatra AG
Kreuzlingen 071 677 4141 Contact by email
Rhenania Roba AG Transport + Logistik
Basle 061 638 4141 Contact by email
Rhenus Alpina AG
Basle 061 639 4555, 3333 Contact by email
Z 058 856 9400 Link Contact by email
Ritschard S.A.
Geneva 022 827 7600 Contact by email
Ritschard S.A.
Lausanne 021 731 3030 Contact by email
Rowa Trans AG
Aarau 062 887 1010 Contact by email
